There are currently 3,319 real estate properties in Springville, AL, with a median automated valuation model (AVM) price of $283,422.00. What is an AVM? It is a smart computer program that analyzes and predicts the approximate value of a home, property or land in Springville, AL, based on current market trends, comparable real estate sales nearby, historical data and, of course, property features, among other variables. These automated home estimates are often very helpful, providing buyers and sellers with a better idea of a home’s value ahead of the negotiation process. For example, the average home price in Springville, AL, is $301,078.00, with the most expensive house in Springville, AL, topping out at $6,648,374.00 and the cheapest home in Springville, AL, clocking in at $14,310.00. In other words, there’s something for every potential homebuyer or savvy investor in Springville, AL!
With the expiration of certain local, state and federal housing-related restrictions and mandated programs, the rental market in Springville, AL, is on a rollercoaster ride. The average rent price in Springville, AL, is $1,400.00. Indeed, when looking to rent in Springville, AL, you can expect to pay as little as $480.00 or as much as $2,290.00, with the average rent median estimated to be $1,410.00. The good news is that finding an affordable and desirable property to rent in Springville, AL -- whether it’s apartments, townhomes, condominiums or single-family homes -- is made easier with knowledge of the local market and, of course, a little patience.
Springville is located in St. Clair, Alabama, with an estimated municipal population of 4,304 residents. All of the best foreclosed homes for sale in Springville are located in the following zip code areas on 35146. The estimated population per square kilometer (.62 miles) in Springville is 186.
So, about how much do homes cost in Springville? The most recent median value of resident-owned homes in Springville is 200,807. An estimated 90.8 percent of households in Springville own their homes, with an average family size of 3.37. The median household income in Springville is 83,488, with33.1 percentage of households earning at least $100,000 annually. For working parents and professionals who are searching for cheap homes in Springville, the median commute time of resident workers (in minutes) is 33.6.
Where a home is located is almost just as important as the home itself. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or are relocating to Springville, it is essential to take a deep dive into your potential future neighborhood. Homeownership is often a long-term relationship; therefore, be sure to do your due diligence to ensure that you make the best long-term decision.
The median age of residents in Springville is 44.8, split between 45.4 percent male versus 54.6 female. The percentage of residents who report being married in Springville is 64.4, with an average family size of 3.37.
The percentage of residents who report their race in Springville is as follows:
White | 93.4% |
Black / African American | 4.9% |
Asian | 0% |
American Indian / Alaskan Native | 1.6% |
Native Hawaiian / Other Pacifc Islander | 0% |
Multi-racial | 0% |
Other | 0% |
Looking for family-friendly neighborhoods in and/or near Springville? Or maybe you are searching for 55+ active adult communities in and/or near Springville?
The percentage of residents who report their age in Springville is as follows:
Under 10 | 6.5% |
Aged 10-19 | 23.9% |
20s | 5.4% |
30s | 7.3% |
40s | 13.7% |
50s | 18.3% |
60s | 8.6% |
70s | 7.7% |
80+ | 8.5% |
It was a rollercoaster ride for academics in 2020, with school districts throughout the nation transferring their classes online because of the global pandemic. Numerous school districts will continue online courses, while others will welcome students back to campus. Regardless, homebuyers are shopping for homes in Springville with dedicated in-home learning spaces, as well as for homes located within the best school systems for in-person instruction in Springville.
How do you know that living in -- or moving to -- Springville is right where you need to be? Perhaps you grew up in Springville or already live nearby; therefore, the decision to buy a home in Springville is a no-brainer. For others, however, it may not be such a straightforward or simple decision. Whether you are relocating to Springville for work or just looking for a fresh start, getting a read on a neighborhood from afar (online) can be tricky... and exhausting.
Here are some questions to ask yourself when shopping for foreclosed homes for sale in Springville:
In short, it always helps to create a “Pros vs. Cons” list of what you need in a home and/or neighborhood like Springville.
Prospective homebuyers are clearly taking advantage of the low interest rates and numerous government assistance programs. These low interest rates mean homebuyers in Springville can now afford much more house for the same monthly payment (if interest rates were higher). Motivated and opportunistic sellers in Springville, meanwhile, can field multiple offers from more qualified buyers.
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